
This article will walk you through the development process of MeeseOS modules and packages.

  1. Introduction
  2. Naming conventions
  3. Building
  4. Testing
  5. Developing Modules
  6. Developing Packages


Before beginning read the overview article to familiarize yourself with the architecture and involved technologies.

With a standard installation you get a fully working development environment out of the box.

[info] Note that by default package extensions (applications, themes, etc.) are built separately from your installation/distribution. Make sure to run commands inside the correct directory

If you're using Docker (docker-compose) for your environment, you have to execute CLI commands within the Docker image context. Example:

docker-compose exec meeseOS npm run watch

Naming conventions

The following list contains the naming convention for modules and packages (in git and npm):

[warning] Names are unique

  • meeseOS-<project>-application - Application package
  • meeseOS-<project>-provider - Service Provider module
  • meeseOS-<project>-auth - Authentication adapter
  • meeseOS-<project>-settings - Settings storage adapter
  • meeseOS-<project>-adapter - VFS Adapters
  • meeseOS-<project>-theme - Theme package
  • meeseOS-<project>-icons - Icons package
  • meeseOS-<project>-sounds - Sounds package
  • meeseOS-<project>-cli - CLI Plugin
  • meeseOS-<project> - Core modules

Official projects are scoped with @meeseOS/<project>-<suffix> when published onto npmjs.

If you want to publish a module or package, look at the publish guide.


These are the default provided commands for performing build actions:

  • npm run build Build changes once
  • npm run watch Watch and build changes automatically

To produce a production build, prefix your command with ex: NODE_ENV=production npm run <task>.


These are the default provided commands for performing test actions:

  • npm run test - Run all tests and linters
  • npm run eslint - ESLint pass
  • npm run stylelint - Stylelint pass
  • npm run jest - Jest unit tests

Developing Modules

The MeeseOS client and server are split up into several modules provided by npm packages (see package.json).

To override these modules follow the modules guide.

To make your own module(s), you can use the CLI Wizard:

For custom CLI tasks see CLI Guide

Developing Packages

Packages are usually installed via npm (within node_modules) but can also be placed into src/packages. To set up custom package discovery paths, see CLI Guide.

[info] Packages installed in node_modules/ always have the lowest priority, and discovery paths are prioritized by their order (ascending). This means you can replace npm installed packages without removing them from package.json itself.

Run npm run make:application to create a new application package package from a wizard using the standard template. Or an Iframe application with npm run make:iframe-application.

# Create a new application from template
npm run make:application

# Discover all packages to make it visible in the client
npm run package:discover
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <>

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