Authentication Guide

MeeseOS provides options for customizing the authentication procedure.

By default the client is set up to automatically log in with a "demo user" account and the server responds to any authentication request successfully.

This functionality can be changed by configuration and using a different #configuring-adapter

Removing automatic login

In your src/client/config.js file either comment out or remove this section entirely:

  auth: {
    login: {
      username: "demo",
      password: "demo"

Configuring adapter

Adapters are listed in the official resource list and above.

The README file of the module should provide more specific examples.

See provider guide for more information about provider setup.

If you have sensitive information in your configuration, consider using complex-dotenv-json.

Modifying the adapter requires changing the AuthServiceProvider options:


To change the client-side authentication adapter, modify your bootstrap file src/client/index.js.

import customAdapter from "custom-adapter";

meeseOS.register(AuthServiceProvider, {
  args: {
    // Default
    adapter: "server",

    // Custom
    adapter: customAdapter,
    config: { /* Your configuration here */}


To change the server-side authentication adapter, modify your bootstrap file src/server/index.js.

const customAdapter = require("custom-adapter");

meeseOS.register(AuthServiceProvider, {
  args: {
    adapter: customAdapter,
    config: { /* Your configuration here */}
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <>

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