CLI guide

MeeseOS comes with a Node CLI utility that provides commands to manage your installation.


You can use the CLI with npx meeseOS-cli <task>, but for your convenience, you can also run npm run <task>.

These are the available default tasks:

  • package:discover - Discovers linked and installed npm packages
  • package:create - Create a new package (deprecated)
  • make:application - Create a new application package
  • make:provider - Create a new service provider
  • make:auth - Create a new authentication adapter
  • make:settings - Create a new settings adapter
  • make:vfs - Create a new VFS adapter

And the following scripts are provided via npm run only:

  • build - Builds core and all packages
  • watch - Same as build, but watches for changes
  • serve - Starts the server

If you're using docker-compose simply prepend this to perform the commands inside the image: docker-compose exec meeseOS ....

Server Arguments

The server accepts a set of arguments that overrides configuration files.

NOTE: If you start the server with npm, you have to do npm run serve -- --arg=value

  • --logging=boolean Enable http logging (same as config logging)
  • --morgan=string Morgan logging options (same as config morgan)
  • --port=integer HTTP Server port (same as config port)
  • --development=boolean Development mode (same as config development)
  • --secret=string Session secret (same as config session.options.secret)

Custom Tasks

You can add custom tasks via src/cli/index.js.

An example:

const mod = cli => ({
  // Basic callback
  mytask: async ({ logger, options, args }) => {
    console.log("Called my task with arguments", args)
    return true;

  // Can also be an object for more features
  myothertask: {
    description: "Task description in help readout",
    help: "Optional info to show on --help for this command",
    options: {
      "-foo": "Some description"
    action: async ({ logger, options, args }) => {
      return true;

module.exports = {
  tasks: [mod]

Custom package discovery paths

You can also add custom package discovery paths for npm run package:discover so you don"t have to use npm.

NOTE: Packages still require the package.json file.

const path = require("path");

module.exports = {
  discover: [
    path.resolve(__dirname, "../packages") // meeseOS/src/packages
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <>

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