Disabling packages

There are several methods for disabling (and hiding) packages:


To hide packages from application menus, etc. without completely disabling it, in your src/client/config.js file you can add the following options:

[info] Remember to re-build the client afterwards.

export default {
  packages: {
    hidden: ["Draw"]


You can prevent your package(s) from being discovered entirely which has the same effect as uninstalling.

In your src/cli/index.js file, add an array to your configuration with the package name(s):

[info] An alternative to this is to rename your package with the suffix .disabled instead of modifying this file. Ex Draw.disabled in your src/packages folder.

module.exports = {
  disabled: ["Draw"]

Now when you run npm run package:discover they will be ignored.


Permissions can either be defined globally via configuration or locally in a package:


In your src/client/config.js file you can add the following options:

[info] Remember to re-build the client afterwards.

export default {
  packages: {
    permissions: {
      Draw: {
        // The `strictGroups` property when set to `false` will check that *some*
        // the groups match, and not *all*.
        strictGroups: true,

        groups: ["a", "b", "c"]


If you're a package developer, you can also add an array of groups to your the metadata.json file. Example:

[info] The strictGroups property when set to false will check that some the groups match, and not all.

  "strictGroups": true,
  "groups": ["a", "b", "c"]
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <aaronjmeese@gmail.com>

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