Service Provider Guide

Service Providers are the main way to provide features and extensions for MeeseOS.


Service providers are usually provided as npm packages for easy installation:

npm install --save some-provider

If you're developing your own service provider you can use npm to install from a physical path on your computer or skip this step entirely if you plan on bundling it within the src/ directory of your installation.


Please note, on node you should use require/module.exports instead of import/export.

[info] If you're adding client-side service provider, you need to rebuild your client with npm run build.

import MyService from "some-provider";



You can pass on arguments to the constructor of the Service Provider.

This is the second argument in the constructor().

meeseOS.register(MyService, {
  args: {
    foo: "bar"

Load Order

Loading of services are preformed in two stages. One when the core is initialized (aka "boot") and one when the core is started up (aka "start").

The default is the "start" stage, but if you want your service to load before this stage, set the before parameter when you register a service:

[info] The client performs the "start" step only after the user has logged in. The server runs "start" immediately after "boot".

meeseOS.register(MyService, {
  before: true

Load order can also be set by creating a dependency chain. If your service provider depends on other services, you must define this so that the core always loads things in the correct order.

These can be either set in the service provider:

class MyService {
  depends() {
    return ["meeseOS/core"]

Or you can defined them in your bootstrap:

meeseOS.register(MyService, {
  depends: ["meeseOS/core"]
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <>

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