Authentication Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to use the authentication system and create custom adapters.

The Auth adapter handles authentication requests.


The client authentication service provides some API methods:

const auth = core.make("meeseOS/auth");
auth.user(); // Get user information; // Shows the authentication dialog (internal usage only)
auth.login({ username, password }); // Log in a user
auth.logout(reload?); // Log out current user

User Information

You can get the user information from core.make("meeseOS/auth").user() in the client and req.session.user in the server.

Custom Authentication Adapter

To set up your adapter, see the authentication guide.

To generate a new adapter using the example via CLI run npm run make:auth.

For general information about development see development article.


const myAdapter = (core, config) => ({
  async login(values) {
    // You can transform the form values from login here if you want
    return values;

  async logout() {
    // And perform special operations on logout
    return true;

export default myAdapter;


In this example we only allow the user aaron with the password meese.

Please note that the MeeseOS client expects to receive an JSON object with at least {username}.

const myAdapter = (core, config) => ({
  async login(req, res) {
    const { username, password } = req.body;

    if (username === "aaron" && password === "meese") {
      return { username, groups: ["admin"] };

    return false;

  async logout(req, res) {
    return true;

module.exports = myAdapter;

Blacklisting applications

If you return an array of application names in the property blacklist from the login, you can hide applications from a user.

This can be configured via the authentication adapter you're using.

Using classes

You can also use class pattern for your adapter:

class MyAuthAdapter {
  constructor(core, config) {
    this.core = core;
    this.options = options;

  async login(values) {
    return values;

  async logout() {
    return true;

// or for server: module.exports = function()
export default function(core, options) {
  return new MyAuthAdapter(core, options);
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <>

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