Bus Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to use a Bus (or EventEmitter).

A bus (event handler/event dispatcher) provides methods to assign and emit events.


To create your own bus use the provided service:

[info] Your Window and Application instances extends the EventEmitter. So you can use this as your bus(es), but please consider using event names with a namespace, ex: mynamespace:event-name to avoid conflicting with internal events.

// Basic usage
const bus = core.make("meeseOS/event-emitter");
bus.on("greet", (who) => console.log(`Hello ${who}!`));
bus.emit("greeet", "world");

// To register a subscriber that only fires once
bus.once("greet", (who) => console.log(`Hello ${who}! But only once`));

// To unregister an event
const event = () => console.log("My event");
bus.on("foo", event);
bus.off("foo", event);

// To unregister all events

Advanced Example

In this example, we'll set up a centralized event bus that handles our application features.

This bus will also proxy events to windows and handle inter-window-communication.

It also uses a window factory to share the bus:


// A simple helper function for creating a DOM Element in the form
// of a button. Attaches an click event via the callback.
const createButton = (label, callback) => {
  const button = document.createElement("button");
  button.addEventListener("click", callback);
  return button;

// Renders window with a button to spawn another window.
// Listens for the "greet" event on the window that is proxied via our bus
const mainWindow = bus => props => ($content, win) => {
  const button = createButton("Create a new Window", () => {
    bus.emit("create-window", "other", {
      title: "New Window"
    }, {
      foo: "bar"

  win.on("custom/greet", () => {
    $content.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Other window said hello"));


// Renders another window with a button to signal "kill-application"
// and another for "greet-main-window".
const otherWindow = bus => props => ($content, win) => {
  // Custom properties passed on
  console.log(props.foo); // => "bar"

  const button1 = createButton("Kill application", () => {

  const button2 = createButton("Greet Main Window", () => {


// A window factory that takes a name and spawns
// the corresponding window in a map.
const windowFactory = (proc, bus) => {
  const windows = {
    main: mainWindow(bus),
    other: otherWindow(bus)

  return (name, options = {}, props = {}) => {
    // Assign some static options to our main window
    if (name === "main") {
      Object.assign(options, {
        id: "MainWindow",
        title: "Main Window"

    const renderer = windows[name](props);


// Your application code.
// This is where we set up a bus for sentralized event handling.
const register = (core, args, options, metadata) => {
  const proc = core.make("meeseOS/application", { args, options, metadata });
  const bus = core.make("meeseOS/event-emitter", "SomeOptionalBusName");
  const factory = windowFactory(proc, bus);

  // Proxy the "greet" event onto the main window if found.
  // Notice a namespace is used, as not to conflict with internal events.
  bus.on("greet-main-window", (...args) => {
    const mainWindow = proc.windows
      .find(win => win.id === "MainWindow");

    if (mainWindow) {
      mainWindow.emit("custom/greet", ...args);

  // Signal to kill our application
  bus.on("kill-application", () => {

  // Signal for creating another window by name
  bus.on("create-window", (name, options, props) => {
    factory(name, options, props);

  // Immediately emit a create window event to spawn main window
  bus.emit("create-window", "main");

  // We want to remove our bus when application is destroyed
  proc.on("destroy", () => bus.destroy());

  return proc;

// The package manager registration call
  .register("MyApplication", register);
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <aaronjmeese@gmail.com>

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