Dialog Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to use and create dialogs.

Dialogs are Windows with pre-defined templates and actions.



To create a dialog use the provided service:

[info] See the official API documentation for available dialogs and their arguments.

// name: dialog name (alert, confirm, prompt, color, font, file, progress)
// args: an object with arguments for given dialog
core.make("meeseOS/dialog", name, args, (btn, value) => {
  // btn: which button was pressed (ex: ok, yes, no, cancel)
  // value: the value of the dialog

You can also provide custom window options:

const options = {parent: <parent>, attributes: {modal: true}};
core.make("meeseOS/dialog", name, args, options, cb);

Custom Dialog

The default Dialog Service provider allows you to add (or override) dialogs:

import { Dialog } from "@meeseOS/dialogs";

class MyDialog extends Dialog {
  constructor(core, args, callback) {
    super(core, Object.assign({
      foo: "My custom argument default"
    }, args), callback)

  render(options) {
    super.render(options, ($content) => {
      const el = document.createTextNode(this.args.foo);


// Static
meeseOS.register(DialogServiceProvider, {
  args: {
    registry: {
      "my-dialog": MyDialog

// Runtime
meeseOS.make("meeseOS/dialogs").register("my-dialog", MyDialog);


You can also use the CustomDialog instance to make your own programmatically:

// Options
const options = {
  buttons: ["ok", "cancel"],
  window: {
    title: "My Dialog",
    dimension: {width: 400, height: 400}

// Get the value for button callback
const callbackValue = dialog => "My value";

// Same as demonstrated in Usage
const callbackButton = (button, value) => {};

// The window.render() wrapper callback
const callbackRender = ($innerContent, dialogWindow, dialog) => {};

  .create(options, callbackValue, callbackButton)

Available buttons are:

  • ok
  • cancel
  • close
  • yes
  • no

You can add your own by giving strings not found in the list above, or an object:

  label: string,     // Button label
  name: string,      // The name that is used in the callback function
  positive?: boolean // Example a "yes" is positive, while "no" is not
                     // Used for intitial focus resolver

Using @meeseOS/gui components

Use the .render() callback instead of .renderCustom() to hook into the base renderer.

This allows you to extend the internal dialog view with .createView():

import { app, h } from "hyperapp";
import { ComponentName } from "@meeseOS/gui";

dialog.render($content => {
    // state
  }, {
    // actions
  }, (state, actions) => dialog.createView([
  ]), $content);
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <aaronjmeese@gmail.com>

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