GUI Tutorial

This tutorial goes over how to create reactive UIs using components.

  1. Usage
  2. Basic Example
  3. JSX
  4. Contextmenu
  5. Components
  6. Component Examples


MeeseOS by default uses Hyperapp v1 for creating reactive state based user interfaces.

This does not mean that you are restricted to usage of Hyperapp. You can use React, Vue or anything you like.

Hyperapp is based a tiny framework for building hypertext applications. It's component based and uses a Virtual DOM, making it similar to other reactive frameworks in usage and operation. Look up the official documentation (linked above) for a deeper dive of the inner workings.

If you're familiar with frameworks similar to React, you can use the JSX syntax for a more familiar experience.

Basic Example

Basic Example

import { h, app } from "hyperapp";

const createView = (state, actions) => h("div", {}, [
  h("div", {}, String(state.counter)),
  h("button", { type: "button", onclick: () => actions.increment() }, "Increment counter")

const createApp = ($content) => {
    counter: 0
  }, {
    increment: () => state => ({ counter: state.counter + 1 })
  }, createView, $content);

If you want to use this in your Application, you can simply change your rendering call:

const win = proc.createWindow(/* ... */)
win.render($content => createApp($content));

You can of course insert this into any arbitrary DOM element.

Using Components

A standard component library for Hyperapp is officially provided.

Basic Example

import { Box, BoxContainer, Button } from "@meeseOS/gui";

const createView = (state, actions) => h(Box, {}, [
  h(BoxContainer, {}, String(state.counter)),
  h(Button, {onclick: () => actions.increment(), label: "Increment counter"})

See the Pen by andersevenrud (@andersevenrud) on CodePen.


You can also use JSX syntax (like React) instead of the pragma (h()) approach.

First: npm install --save-dev @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx

Then in your package.jsons babel section:

  "presets": [
  "plugins": [
    ["@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx", {
      "pragma": "h"

and then in your source you can now do the following:

const createView = (state, actions) => (
    <button type="button" onclick={() => actions.increment()}>Increment counter</button>


You can create (context) menus via the GUI provider:

core.make("meeseOS/contextmenu", {
  position: Event || Element || Object,

  menu: [{
    label: "Some label",
    onclick: ev => console.log("Clicked")
  }, {
    label: "Sub items",
    items: [{
      label: "Sub item",
      onclick: ev => console.log("Clicked sub item")
    }, {
      label: "Check item 1",
      checked: true,
      onclick: ev => console.log("Clicked sub item")
    }, {
      label: "Check item 2",
      checked: true,
      onclick: ev => console.log("Clicked sub item")

You can also forcefully hide an open menu with core.make("meeseOS/contextmenu").hide().


This is the list of standard GUI components.

All components uses Flexbox and supports the following props:

  • orientation - Orientation of children (horizontal/vertical)
  • grow - Grow factor (default 0)
  • shrink - Shrink factor (default 0)
  • basis - Base size (default auto)
  • align - Align items
  • justify - Justify content
  • margin / padding - Padding/Margin (boolean/string/number for Box)


  1. Non-container elements gets the flexbox model from the box property.
  2. All components based on browser elements supports the standard properties.

The component set is under development


Name Description Custom Props
Box Flexbox container (padded) See above
BoxContainer Flexbox container (simple, like a div) See above
Toolbar Flexbox container (spaced) See above
Menubar Toolbar, except for menus
Tabs Tabbed container(s) {labels: [String,...]}
Panes Resizeable container(s) {orientation: String, sizes: Array[Number,...]}


All fields have extended events that passes on the current value:

onchange: (event, value) => {}
oninput: (event, value) => {}

[info] All inputs use the standard DOM spesification for attributes. So for checkboxes etc, use checked instead of value.

Name Description Custom Props
Button <button> Element {label: String, icon: String}
RangeField <input type="range" /> Field
TextField <input type="text,password,..." /> Field
ToggleField <input type="checkbox,radio" />
SelectField <select> Field {choices: Map<*, *>}
TextareaField <textarea> Field


Name Description Custom Props
ListView A listview (not quite done)
Iframe <iframe> View
Statusbar A statusbar with label


Name Description Custom Props
Progressbar A progressbar with label {value: Number}
Image <img /> element
Video <video /> element

Component Examples

Basic Layout

A simple three-row layout:

h(Box, { grow: 1, shrink: 1 }, [
  h(BoxContainer, {}, "Row 1"),
  h(BoxContainer, {}, "Row 2"),
  h(BoxContainer, {}, "Row 3")

See the Pen by andersevenrud (@andersevenrud) on CodePen.

Basic Layout, continued

Same as above, but contained within an outer Box with a Menubar and Statusbar

h(Box, { grow: 1, shrink: 1 }, [
  h(Menubar, {}, [
    h(MenubarItem, { onclick: () => alert("clicked") }, "Menubar Item")
  h(Box, { grow: 1 }, [
    h(BoxContainer, {}, "Row 1"),
    h(BoxContainer, {}, "Row 2"),
    h(BoxContainer, {}, "Row 3")
  h(Statusbar, {}, "Some status here")

See the Pen by andersevenrud (@andersevenrud) on CodePen.

Using Inputs

Reactive value for inputs:

  myfield: "Initial value"
}, {
  setValue: myfield => () => ({ myfield })
}, (state, actions) => {
  return h(Box, {}, [
    h(TextField, {
      value: state.myfield,

      // All input comonents put in a second argument containing the value for certain input events
      oninput: (ev, value) => actions.setValue(value)
}, document.body);

See the Pen by andersevenrud (@andersevenrud) on CodePen.

Using ListView

Certain components, like ListView needs some context and works a little bit different:

import { listView } from "@meeseOS/gui"; // Lower-case l

const initialRows = [{
  columns: [1, 2, 3],
  data: { foo: "bar" }

  mylistview: listView.state({
    // Set up the initial state
    columns: ["A", "B", "C"],
    rows: initialRows
}, {
  // Register callback actions
  mylistview: listView.actions({
    select: ({ data, index, ev }) => console.log("Selected", data, index, ev),
    activate: ({ data, index, ev }) => console.log("Activated", data, index, ev),
    contextmenu: ({ data, index, ev }) => console.log("Menu", data, index, ev)
}, (state, actions) => {
  // Creates a new component based on the state and actions created
  const MyListView = listView.component(state.mylistview, actions.mylistview);

  return h(Box, { grow: 1, shrink: 1 }, [
    h(MyListView, { box: { grow: 1, shrink: 1 }})
}, document.body);

See the Pen by andersevenrud (@andersevenrud) on CodePen.

MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <>

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