VFS Tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to interact with and extend the virtual filesystems.

The Virtual Filesystem (VFS) provides methods to use and manipulate local (or remote) filesystems.


To use the Virtual Filesystem, make the provided service:


const vfs = core.make("meeseOS/vfs");

const list = await vfs.readdir("meeseOS:/");


  • readdir(file) => stat[] - Reads given directory (see stat)
  • search(root, pattern) => stat[] - Reads given root directory and searches for a pattern (regexp or wildchar)
  • readfile(file, type) => *type - Reads given file (see encoding)
  • writefile(file, data) => number - Writes to given file (returns file size if possible)
  • copy(src, dst) => boolean - Copy given file/directory
  • rename(src, dst) => boolean - Rename or move given file/directory
  • mkdir(file) => boolean - Creates given directory
  • unlink(file) => boolean - Removes given file/directory
  • exists(file) => boolean - Checks if given path exists
  • stat(file) => stat - Get the stat of given file/directory (see stat)
  • url(file) => string - Create a URL to resource

File argument

All VFS methods accepts either a string or a Stat Object. The internal API will always try to convert a string to a Stat (via resolution), but on filesystems that does not have a traditional file structure (ex. Google Drive); this might not work, so it is recommended that you use the Object signature whenever possible.

NOTE: All official applications and libraries use the object approach and is compatible with all filesystems. If you're an application developer you should take this into consideration.

// Ex

// Vs
.readdir({ path: "meeseOS:/" })

On a non-traditional filesystem, this might look like:

.readdir({ path: "custom-mountpoint:/", id: "some-unique-resource-id" })

A File Object consists of the Stat described below.


The VFS responds with file statistics in some cases, containing:

  "isDirectory": boolean,
  "isFile": boolean,
  "mime": string,
  "size": integer,
  "path": string,
  "filename": string,
  "id": string?,
  "parent_id": string?,
  "stat": object? {
    /* See https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats */


By default, files are read as string, but you can specify any of these types:

  • string - A UTF-8 encoded string
  • uri - A base64 encoded resource link
  • blob - A Blob,
  • arraybuffer - An ArrayBuffer

Custom VFS Adapter

You can make your own Adapter for the methods above by creating a simple object:

To set up your adapter see the VFS guide.

To generate a new adapter using the example via CLI run npm run make:vfs.

For general information about development see development article.


const adapter = (core) => ({
  readdir: async (path, options) => ([])

export default adapter;


module.exports = (core) => ({
  readdir: vfs => async (path) => ([])

Server API

You can interact with the VFS on the server-side as well, but it works slightly different.

[info] API with interface that resembles the client is in progress.

core vfs = core.make("meeseOS/vfs");

// Gets the real filesystem path of a file in the VFS
// NOTE: This does not work for filesystems that is not a mountpoint or physical drive
const realPath = vfs.realpath("home:/filename", { username: "meeseOS" });

// Gets the mime type of a real filesystem file path
const mimeType = vfs.mime(realPath);

// Performs a VFS operation based on a HTTP action
vfs.request("readdir", req, res)
  .then(result => {})

// Performs a VFS operation directly
vfs.call({ method: "readdir", user: { username: "demo" } }, "home:/")
  .then(result => {})
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <aaronjmeese@gmail.com>

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