Widget Tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to create and register your own widgets.

Widgets floats on the bottom layer of the Desktop.

Custom Widget

import { Widget } from "@meeseOS/widgets";

export default class MyWidget extends Widget {

  constructor(core, options) {
    super(core, options, {
      // This widget uses a canvas
      canvas: true,
      fps: 1,

      // Our default dimension
      dimension: {
        width: 300,
        height: 50
    }, {
      // Custom options that can be saved
      myText: "Hello World"

    // Other attributes are registered on your class:
    this.color = "#ffffff";

  // When widget is destructed
  onDestroy() {}

  // When widget was resized
  onResize() {}

  // When widget was moved
  onMove() {}

  // Every rendering tick (or just once if no canvas)
  render({ canvas, context, width, height }) {
    const text = this.options.myText;

    context.font = "monospace";
    context.fillStyle = this.color;
    context.textAlign = "center";
    context.textBaseline = "middle";

    context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
    context.fillText(text, width / 2, height / 2);

    // The DOM elements is:

  // A custom set of menu entries
  getContextMenu() {
    return [{
      label: "My Menu Item",
      onclick: () => console.log("Hello!")

  static metadata(core) {
    return {
      title: "A title for your widget"

Attaching a dialog

import { h, app } from "hyperapp";
import { TextField } from "@meeseOS/gui";

export default class MyWidget extends Widget {

  someMethod() {
    // Renders dialog contents. By default MeeseOS uses Hyperapp,
    // but you're not restriced to use this.
    const render = ($content, dialogWindow, dialog) => {
      dialog.app = app({
        myText: this.options.myText
      }, {
        setText: myText => state => ({ myText }),
        getValues: () => state => state
      }, (state, actions) => {
        return dialog.createView([
          h(TextField, {
            value: state.myText,
            oninput: (ev, value) => actions.setText(value)
      }, $content);

    // Values are passed down to the "options" object
    const value = dialog => dialog.app.getValues();

    // Use the internal dialog helper
      title: "Some Title"
    }, render, value);



To bootstrap with pre-defined widgets:

import { WidgetServiceProvider } from "@meeseOS/widgets";
import MyWidget from "path/to/MyWidget";

meeseOS.register(WidgetServiceProvider, {
  args: {
    registry: {
      "my-widget": MyWidget

Or alternatively on runtime:

import MyWidget from "path/to/MyWidget";
core.make("meeseOS/widgets").register("my-widget", MyWidget);
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <aaronjmeese@gmail.com>

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