This is a curated list of frequently asked questions.

Q: What is this?

MeeseOS is a free and open-source cloud/web desktop platform.

It serves web applications in an interface familiar to most desktop users.

Q: How do I get support?

Send an email to hello@os-js.org or check out the following links.

Q: How do I report a bug or feature requests?

The best way is to create an issue on Github. Read this issue for more information.

You can also contact me via methods listed above, but an issue is preferred.

Q: How can I get started with development?

Read this manual. It has chapters about installation, general overview, development, Tutorials, Guides and other articles.

This project uses the following technologies: HTML, CSS (using Sass/SCSS), JavaScript (ES6 and Node), Webpack and npm.

Most of the articles assume you at least have basic understanding of these.

If you still have questions, head into the chatroom.

Q: How do I contribute?

See the following resources:

Q: How do I perform installation on Windows?

Currently there are no automated installers, so you either have to use git shell, or PowerShell.

Using windows explorer, enter the MeeseOS installation directory and press ALT+D, then type powershell and press ENTER.

Q: Can I make changes to your software?

Yes. This project is open-source and licensed under BSD-2-clause which allows you to modify and distribute the software.

If you want to contribute changes back to the community, look at "How do I contribute" above.

Q: How do I add login?

By default MeeseOS is set up to automatically log in with a "demo" user and a dummy authentication adapter.

The adapter is what authenticates a user and you can customize it. An example is the database adapter.

Q: Can I add feature X or application Y?

Since MeeseOS runs on JavaScript within a browser environment and Node on the backend, these are your limitations.

Anything that can use these technologies can technically run on this platform.

Q: How do I add an existing web application?

The easiest way to add an existing web application is to to create a new application and simply use an iframe.

This way you can leave your entire codebase intact and just load it as you would normally, but within a Window.

Apps hosted outside MeeseOS

An example on how to display an already running separate application:


This file is a modified version of what npm run make:application creates.

Hosted within MeeseOS

See the IFrames tutorial.

Q: Is there a matrix channel?

Gitter can now be used via Matrix officially:


MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <aaronjmeese@gmail.com>

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